WINDSOR FESTIVAL: Passion for Puccini

WINDSOR FESTIVAL: Passion for Puccini

02:03AM, Friday 30 September 2011

In the presence of HRH The Earl of Wessex KG, The London Festival Opera, resplendant in their performance period costumes, evoking the grandeur of pastimes,  gave the packed Windsor Theatre a truly passionate evening of the very best of Giacomo Puccini's most memorable music, writes Isabel Smith.

Artists brought together from the major opera companies such as the Royal Opera, English national Opera, and Glyndebourne outshone each other, with stunning renditions, from some of his most popular works such as Madame Butterfly, Tosca and La Boheme, as well as some lesser known works such as 'Edgar'.

This year, the audience was treated with the appearance of Mary Plazas, a very distinguished artist who has played the role of Madam Butterfly at the English national Opera. Her voice is truly stunning as she effortlessly acted and sang with great confidence and beauty.

Overall the performances of some of the most talented up and coming young singers was first rate and on an evening of late summer warmth the 'passion' of Puccini remains as fresh and exilarating as ever.


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