Lent Rise School lollipop lady recevies award for 25 years of devoted service

01:00PM, Sunday 21 February 2021

A primary school in Burnham is celebrating 25 years of devoted service from a lollipop lady.

Anne Ruffle, who is also a cleaner and midday supervisor at Lent Rise School, has been given a long service award by Buckinghamshire Council and headteacher Jill Watson to mark the milestone.

Anne, who lives in Burnham, started working at the school in 1996 and is a popular part of ‘People who help us’, an annual week in which she spends time with pupils in early years, teaching them road safety and her experience of being a crossing patroller.

Headteacher Jill Watson, said: “Anne is a community hero who has spent the last 25 years supporting Lent Rise School and keeping our children safe.

“She is a much- loved member of the school and welcomes the children and parents every day, with a smile, come rain or shine.

“Even during lockdown she has been in school supporting our key worker and vulnerable children.”


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