Burnham project encourages residents to create a heart for a tree remembering the lives lost to COVID-19

09:00AM, Sunday 21 February 2021

A project encouraging Burnham residents to create a heart and hang it on a tree in St Peter’s Churchyard to remember the lives lost to COVID-19 has started.

The project, which was started by Rev Janet Minkkinen and churchwarden Pam Rogers, saw church members make a ‘Tree of Hearts’ in their churchyard, to ‘reflect on the 100,000 plus lives lost’ to COVID-19.

The project began at the start of February.

The hearts can be decorated in any way and can feature a message of the creator’s choice. Hearts already on the tree include messages of hope, dedications to loved ones whose lives have been lost and messages expressing thanks to the NHS.

Rainbow Fishes Nursery has also contributed a number of hearts that were created by the children.

The project is running until Monday, March 15.


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