Jail for Slough burglar who crept through pensioner's bedroom whilst she slept

12:43PM, Monday 08 March 2021

Pensioner wakes up to find burglar standing over her bed going through belongings

A burglar who forced his way into an elderly woman's property and took her belongings whilst she slept has been jailed.

David Todd, 51, of Moreland Close, Slough, was jailed for more than three years after his victim - a woman in her eighties - awoke to find him standing over her bed and going through her stuff. 

The 'frightening' ordeal took place just before 9am on January 5.

Todd was arrested on January 19 and charged on the same day.

He pleaded guilty to burglary, going equipped for theft, possession of cannabis and fraud in a hearing at Reading Crown Court on Tuesday. 

He was sentenced to three years in prison for burglary and six months for going equipped for theft to run consecutively, totalling three years and six months in prison.

Todd was also given six months’ imprisonment for fraud to run concurrently, while there was no separate penalty for possession of cannabis.

Investigating officer PC Tom Zecca, based at Slough police station, said: “Burglary is a horrible and invasive crime, and the victim in this case of creeper burglary, was awoken to see Todd in her room searching through her property.

“This was a frightening ordeal for the victim, who had every right to feel safe in her own property.

“I am pleased that Todd admitted the offences, sparing the victim from the ordeal of a trial, and has been sentenced accordingly to prison.

“Thames Valley Police recognise the impact that burglary has on victims and we will always investigate such offences thoroughly and bring offenders to justice.”


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