Police granted increased stop and search powers after teenager stabbed in Langley

09:35AM, Wednesday 10 February 2021

Police granted increased stop and search powers after teenager stabbed in Langley

A teenager has been hospitalised after being robbed and stabbed in Langley last night.

Officers attended the scene in Common Road just before 6pm following reports a youngster had suffered stab wounds to his arm.

The victim was taken to hospital where he remains in a stable condition.

Following the attack, officers found other discarded weapons in the area.

The force then enacted a Section 60 order granting officers increased stop and search powers for the following 24 hours.

The order applies to the area depicted on the map, from Richings Park in the eastern part of Langley, Iver Park Golf Club in the north, Wellington Street in the west and London Road to the south.

An 18-year-old man from Slough and a 16-year-old boy from Reading have been arrested on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon and are in police custody.

Inspector Karen Bunce, based at Slough police station, said: “This order has been put in place following the incident earlier this evening.

“We do not take decisions to enact them lightly, and I appreciate the concern that this will cause in the local community, but I would like to reassure members of the public that it has been enacted in order to prevent any re-occurrence of incidents similar to the ones that happened earlier today.

“During the period in which the order is in place, there will be an increase of police officers in the area.

“Using these increased powers, officers are able to stop and search anybody within a defined area while it is activated, with or without reasonable grounds to do so.

“Please don’t be worried if you are stopped by an officer, as this does not mean that you are in trouble.”

The inspector said the order will be reviewed later today but will remain in place while it is considered proportionate and necessary.

Anyone who witnessed the incident in Common Road last night or who has information which could help officers should call police on 101 quoting the reference 1499 for February 9.

Alternatively, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


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  • be_ transparent

    12:12, 10 February 2021

    I don't have any concern about extended stop and search powers at the moment as most teenagers are supposed to be indoors anyway. I am way more concerned that Thames Valley Police and Slough Council have not yet worked out how to stop kids stabbing eachother with knives after being influenced by a music fad. If Karen Bunce can spare a few extra officers on the beat that's great, but she will probably get more done using intelligence lead policing on social media. Is it all about drill, gangs and drug dealing ? I never hear much from the police about whats actually happening in Slough, we just get stabbing after stabbing with no comment even after the trial has finished. Its about time the police and the council stopped playing "whack a mole" with a Section 60 every time a stabbing happens, and started getting much much more serious about dealing with this aggressively by dealing with things at the beginning, not addressing symptoms at the end.



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