Cippenham School closes to most pupils this week

11:17AM, Monday 04 January 2021

Cippenham School closes to most pupils this week

Cippenham School is switching to remote learning this week and will only open for vulnerable pupils and children of key workers.

The school, which is run by The Gold Rose multi-academy trust, said a ‘significant number’ of its staff are following union advice and remaining at home due to the ongoing surge in COVID-19 infections across the country.

Trust chairman Sonny Sidhu said: “The high number of staff absences plus the very high rate of infection locally, which is rising, and the ease of transmission of this new variant of the virus leads us to conclude that we cannot, at this moment in time, be confident of ensuring acceptable levels of safety.”

The Elmshott Lane school will be closed to all children for the next two days with all learning switched to remote.

From Wednesday the school will open to children of key workers and vulnerable pupils.

The trust said it will be reviewing its decision daily but it is unlikely to change in the next week.


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  • Paludian

    13:01, 04 January 2021

    The unions have just proclaimed the closure of Pippins School in Colnbrook. We are indeed fortunate that the supermarkets are not infested with public sector unions. If they were, people working for a living in the real world would certainly starve.



  • be_ transparent

    12:12, 04 January 2021

    If the teachers wish to stay at home they shouldn't be paid. Large numbers of workers deal with the public every day and aren't pulling these kinds of stunts. Pulling these stunts at the last minute by unions is a deliberate tactic by teaching unions to destroy the uk economy as parents will be forced not to go to work and stay at home. The situation is most difficult for younger children. Older children can be remotely schooled online via MOOCs or Zoom - and please don't see 'oh but not every child has a PC' - all the children spend all day on their smartphones, and they run Zoom too, so cut the tosh and school the kids online instead of sitting at home doing nothing and being paid for it whilst your teaching union invents excuses. Stop holding the country to ransom.Your issues and demands change every time, but the goal is the same - sitting on your backsides at home doing nothing and being paid for it.



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