Wraysbury parish councillor walks three marathons for charity

09:35AM, Tuesday 04 August 2020

A parish councillor is on a mission to complete three walking marathons by his 85th birthday to raise money for charity.

Graham Sinclair accepted the 78.6 mile challenge from his friend, Darren Laverty, and on June 1 began walking one or two laps of a one-mile circuit around the village.

He has already completed two marathon lengths, the equivalent of walking from Wraysbury to Brighton, and hopes to finish the third prior to his 85th birthday on Saturday, August 29.

The four charity’s that will benefit from Grahams fundraising efforts are Wraysbury Age Concern, Wraysbury Parochial Charities, Wraysbury and Horton Voluntary Care and Thames Hospice.

Graham said: “I enjoy a challenge and although this is both physically and mentally hard at times, I’m determined to complete my walk for the groups I’m raising funds for and for the many that have been supporting me.”

So far Graham has raised almost £1,700 of a £5,000 target. To make a donation click here.


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