Fly tipper convicted after ignoring council fine for dumping waste in Wexham

01:33PM, Thursday 04 February 2021

A fly-tipper who ignored a fixed penalty notice after dumping waste illegally in Wexham has been convicted in court.

Buckinghamshire Council caught Kamil Adam Chudzinski, of Kimberley Close, Langley, leaving wooden drawers and a television in Wexham Park Lane on May 17.

The council had installed a surveillance camera due to the area being a fly-tipping hotspot.

Footage showed the driver of a grey Vauxhall Vectra dumping his waste in a lay-by.

The vehicle was later traced back to the 24-year-old who admitted an offence of illegal dumping when interviewed at Slough Police Station by council investigators.

Due to having no previous offences, Buckinghamshire Council issued Chudzinski with a fixed penalty notice which would cost £300 if paid within 14 days, rising to £400 if paid in 28 days.

But he ignored the fine and the council subsequently took legal action.

Chudzinski pleaded guilty at High Wycombe Magistrates’ Court on December 9 to dumping waste illegally.

The court ordered him to pay prosecution and clean-up costs of £1,201 and fined him £523.

Bill Chapple, cabinet member for environment and climate change at Buckinghamshire Council, said: "Because this was a first-time offence, our officers gave the man the option of paying a fixed penalty notice and avoiding a criminal record.

“But any fly tipping offender should be aware that if they fail to pay the fixed penalty notice, we will take them to court for the original offence as part of our zero-tolerance policy on illegal dumping."


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