RECIPE: Marinated chicken skewers recipe

11:00AM, Saturday 13 February 2021

Flavoured with honey, garlic and soy, these tasty skewers can be baked or barbecued.

“Don’t limit this chicken to barbecues and picnics,” says chef Kwoklyn Wan. “These tasty skewers make a great starter dish or easy snack, eaten straight from the stick or eased away and stuffed into a fresh wrap with a mound of salad and dollop of mayo!”.

Marinated chicken skewers recipe


(serves 4)

340g chicken breast, cut into 3cm cubes

80ml honey

3 garlic cloves, finely chopped or grated

Juice of 1 lemon

250ml light soy sauce


1. If you are using wooden or bamboo skewers, soak them in water for at least one hour before using.

2. Put all of the ingredients into a large bowl and mix well, making sure the chicken is well coated. Cover and allow to marinate for at least two hours.

3. Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F). Thread three cubes of chicken on to each skewer, then place on a foil-lined baking tray. I’d recommend two skewers per person. Once all of the chicken has been threaded on to your skewers, spoon over the remaining marinade. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes, basting and turning the skewers every 15 minutes.

4. Once you are happy that the chicken is cooked through, transfer to a serving plate. These are best eaten warm but are also tasty as a cold snack or filling for baguettes, wraps or pittas.


W Chinese Takeaway In 5 by Kwoklyn Wan, photography by Sam Folan, is published by Quadrille, priced £15.


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