Stretch of A308 Windsor Road could switch from 40mph to 30mph

12:53PM, Thursday 11 February 2021

The Royal Borough is looking to reduce the speed limit of part of the A308 Windsor Road, from 40mph down to 30mph.

The changes, which will affect the stretch of road from the Braywick roundabout to Fifield Road junction, are subject to finalisation in the budget for next year.

The proposed change coincides with a petition by residents in Holyport to alter the speed limit, which fetched a hundred signatures.

The petition states that, as a road with street lamps, national guidance suggests a speed limit of 30mph.

“Local authorities are allowed to set speed limits differently and RBWM have chosen to have it at 40mph,” the petition reads.

The petition leader is chairman of Holyport Residents Association, Andrew Cormie. His reasons for starting the petition include the number of accidents on the road and the increased traffic.

“It has been at 40mph for tens of years, during which additional housing has been built on it or in schemes whose outlet is onto it,” he said. “And now we have more traffic, to and from the Thames Hospice.”

Councillor David Coppinger (Con, Bray) said that reducing the speed limit on that road has been in the pipeline ‘for some time’ at the request of himself and his fellow ward councillor Leo Walters.

“Given the numbers of mothers with children crossing the road, there are concerns for the safety of children,” he said.

“Speed is always a problem and some roads are not built to carry that speed. The A308 through Bray isn’t designed to be 40mph.

“We have got the hospice on one side of the road and possible a small housing development next to it, subject to the Borough Local Plan.”

The council is also planning changes to the Braywick roundabout which could increase traffic along that stretch of road – another reason to introduce a lower speed limit, Cllr Coppinger said.

The Royal Borough recently finished conducting its second round of public consultations on its A308 corridor study, using an interactive map to highlight problem areas.

To follow the progress of the study, visit:


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  • Brian Millin

    15:03, 11 February 2021

    Pleased to read this Cllr Coppinger as we have been discussing this for some time . Perhaps we can now return to the introduction of a pedestrian crossing to address the concerns over parents and children’s safety once the 30mph limit is introduced Brian M



  • rogersmith02

    14:02, 11 February 2021

    I wonder why changing a speed limit would be the subject finalisation within a budget. Maybe I am missing something.



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